If the refund cannot be applied to your debit car it will be applied to your PayPal balance. I asked my bank and they had received nothing from PayPal. The refund to the balance will happen the same day itaposs processed the refund to the card may take up to days. Refund after days - PayPal Community The refund facility is only available to sellers for up to days after the payment has been received in to their PayPal account.
Once the process is complete the refund will be credited to your PayPal balance and then automatically transerred to your bank account. Depending on your card issuer, it may take up to days to complete a refund. PayPal PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus balance credit card: your refund will go to both your PayPal Cash or PayPal Cash Plus balance and credit card.
Receive your refund Youll see a refund of up to USD in your PayPal balance within business days for all approved claims.
PayPal How your PayPal payment was funded determines how your refund is returned: If your payment came from your car it will be refunded to that card. If you initially paid for the transaction with your credit or debit car the refund will be credited to that card within days. My refund is still pending after days - PayPal Community Jul 2 20When a refund or a cancellation occurs for that payment within a few days of it being sent, the funds that PayPal paid up front for you are returned. How long does it take for a refund to show up in my PayPal. After a few days I asked PayPal what the deal was and they told my bank was processing.
Refunds to credit or debit cards can take up to days depending on the card company involved. I saw it in PayPal the day they advised me. PayPal Refunded Returns - PayPal Submit the form along with proof of your return within days.
Refunds taking more than days - PayPal Community refunds taking more than days an organization refunded me money for a trip cancelled because of the virus. You can request a refund up to 1days after you pay for your item.
PayPal Refunded Returns - PayPal
Refund Payments for Individual Transactions - PayPal Developer You can refund the entire amount of a transaction or portions of it. The default refund period is 1days from the transaction date. If you refund a payment for goods or services, there are no fees to process the refun but the fees you originally paid as the seller are not returned to you.
PayPal You can request a refund of a completed payment by sending the seller an . Ask the seller to go to the Transaction Details page for your transaction and click Issue a refund. If your payment came from your bank account, it will be refunded. PayPal This process takes 3-working days to complete.
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How long does it take for a refund to show up in my PayPal
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