Monday, October 31, 2016

Brew definition

(Brewing) to make (beer, ale, etc) from malt and other ingredients by steeping, boiling, and fermentation. (tr) to devise or plan: to brew a plot. Brew: to bring (something volatile or intense) into being. The occupation or business of producing beer, ale, etc. Brewing - definition of brewing by The Free Dictionary brewing - the production of malt beverages (as beer or ale) from malt and hops by grinding and boiling them and fermenting the result with yeast.

Brew Meaning of Brew by Lexico What does brew mean?

Brew definition

A quantity or batch brewed in a single process or at one time. I or T If you brew tea or coffee, you add boiling water to it to make a hot drink, and if it brews, it gradually develops flavour in the container in which it was made: two objects He brewed us some coffee.He brewed some coffee for us. Brewing Definition of Brewing at m the act of a person who brews.

Brew Definition of Brew by Merriam-Webster Brew definition is - to prepare (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermentation or by infusion and fermentation. (Cookery) to prepare (a drink, such as tea) by boiling or infusing. The brewery produces six different brews, which it sells to local pubs. Brew - definition of brew by The Free Dictionary 1. To make or prepare (a beverage, as tea) by mixing, steeping, soaking, or boiling a solid in water. (Cookery) (intr) to be in the process of being brewed: the tea was brewing in.

Brew Synonyms, Brew Antonyms Merriam-Webster Thesaurus synonyms of brew from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus related words, definitions, and antonyms.

BREW meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

Brew Definition of Brew by Merriam-Webster

Brew definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary A brew is a particular kind of beer or beer that is produced in a particular place at a particular time. Brew Definition of Brew at m verb (used with object) to make (beer, ale, etc.) by steeping, boiling, and fermenting malt and hops. Production - (economics) manufacturing or mining or growing something (usually in large quantities) for sale he. How to use brew in a sentence. An example of to brew is making coffee in a French press.

An example of to brew is making homemade beer. BREW meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary brew verb (DRINK ) T to make beer. Brew dictionary definition brew defined The definition of brew means to make something to drink by mixing parts together, boiling and steeping, or making a plan.
Brew is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as Make (beer) by soaking, boiling, and fermentation., Make (tea or coffee) by mixing it with hot water.

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Brew definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary

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