Please ensure that support for session cookies is enabled in your browser. Check Status of a Tax Refund in Minutes Using Wheres My. One of IRSaposs most popular online features-gives you information about your federal income tax refund. Tool gives taxpayers access to their tax return and refund status anytime. M If you recently filed your 20tax return and it is still being processed by the IRS, that could delay your stimulus check payment.
All they need is internet access and three pieces of information: Their Social Security number. You can also call the IRS to check on the status of your refund.
Refunds Internal Revenue Service Apr 1 20The IRS issues most refunds in less than days, although some require additional time. You should only call if it has been: days or more since you e-filed weeks or more since you mailed your return, or when Whereaposs My Refund tells you to contact the IRS. Whereaposs my refund fact sheet Earned Income Tax Credit Check Your Refund Status Online in English or Spanish Whereaposs My Refund? The IRS uses the information on your tax return to determine eligibility for stimulus payments, and calculating how much the payment should be.