Beat implies the giving of repeated blows: to beat a rug. BEAT definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary beat meaning: 1. To give a single blow, definitely directed: to hit a ball. An example of beat is a person who has just worked hours on his feet.
To be better or more enjoyable than another activity or. 4a : overcome, defeat beat the insurgents in a bloody battle beating your.
An example of beat is the beating of a heart. To defeat or do better than: 2. To pound is to give heavy and repeated blows, often with the fist: to pound the table. : to strike repeatedly: a : to hit repeatedly so as to inflict pain He was arrested for beating his wife. To hit is usually to give a single blow, definitely directed: to hit a ball. Beat is defined as a rhythmic movement, or is the speed at which a piece of music is played. Beat - definition of beat by The Free Dictionary syn: beat, hit, poun strike, thrash refer to the giving of a blow or blows.
Beat dictionary definition beat defined The definition of beat is someone or something that is extremely tired andor worn out.