How to Report Identity Theft to the IRS Jan 1 20Identity theft has become common enough that the IRS has a specific form to filethe IRS Identity Theft Affidavit for notifying them that you believe you are a victim of identity e form may be filled out online, then printed and mailed or faxed. If someone has stolen your identity, including personal information such as your name, birthdate, Social Security number, and financial account numbers, the toll can be devastating and things can b). Identity Theft Information for Taxpayers and Victims.
Tax Fraud VictiHow To Report Identity Theft To IRS Tax fraud victim? Dec 3 20The IRS will then identify the fraudulent return an after an investigation, clear the account and process the paper tax return. These IRS employees are available to answer questions about identity theft and resolve any tax account issues that resulted from identity theft.
When to file a Form 1403 Identity Theft Affidavit. See IRS Identity Theft Victim Assistance: How It Works. Review Publication 502 Identity Theft Information for Taxpayers, for more information.