The item still says it was sold and I need to know how I can put it back on sale. Refunds Internal Revenue Service Apr 1 20The IRS issues most refunds in less than days, although some require additional time. Why was my payment denie refunde or unclaimed? weeks or more since you mailed your return, or when. If you have made a payment in error you can contact the seller and request a refund.
Airlines Must Pay Refunds for Flights Canceled by. Apr 0 20It is receiving a growing number of complaints from people who say airlines have refused to pay refunds after flights were cancele the agency.
Refunded: If your payment was refunde it means that the recipient accepted the payment but then sent your money back to you. Note: After the carrier has received your item, it can take up to three weeks for us to receive and process your return. PSLF Wow, that sounds like a nightmare. The rep I talked to was super nice, said he didnt blame me for asking for the refund because hed do the same and that I would see the refund hit my account within days.
You should only call if it has been: days or more since you e-filed.